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Energy recovery for evaporation

Evaporation applications with energy recovery

Anlagen zur Energierückgewinnung

In addition to the basic feasibility for numerous processes, which are listed in the section „Evaporation & Rectification Applications”, we have repeatedly examined possibilities for energy recovery and resource-saving cleaning with our customers in recent years. In the meantime this has led to numerous application examples.

Glycerol from fat splitting or ester exchange concentration

Schaubild Glyzerin Gewinnung

Mechanical Vapour Recompressor (MVR), combined with direct heating by flash steam or heating steam

  • Minimal coolant consumption
  • Minimal heating steam consumption

Caprolactam and recycled lactam concentration

Schaubild Caprolactam und Rücklactam Aufkonzentrierung

Concentration of caprolactam (monomer) and relaxam (with oligomer) after extraction

  • Energy-efficient use of steam scrubbers (plate columns, packed columns or both)
  • Highest purity of the condensate for reuse

Mechanical Vapour Recompressor (MVR)

  • Minimal coolant consumption
  • Minimal heating steam consumption

Falling Film Evaporator

  • Short retention time (an andere Formulierungen dazu anpassen)
  • High wetting due to recirculation
  • Low degree of contamination
  • Minimal cleaning effort

Wood press water

Holzquetschwasser Fließdiagramm

Wood press water from the production of medium density fibreboard (MDF) is heavily contaminated with organic substances – thermal recycling is effective:

  • Falling film evaporator heated by a mechanical vapour compressor
  • High concentration with directly heated forced evaporator

Steam condensate for reuse in process steam generation

  • Closed boiler-steam-condensate recirculation

Eco-friendly solution:

  • Water recycling
  • Reduced use of chemicals for wastewater treatment

Holzquetschwasser Schaubild


Concentration of the waste water by a mechanical vapour recompressor

  • Maximal energy efficiency

Maximum final concentration through directly heated forced circulation evaporator

  • Minimal waste generation
  • Concentrate can be co-incinerated

Use of residual steam for preheating

  • Minimal or no cooling water supply

Falling Film Evaporator

  • Short retention time
  • High wetting due to recirculation
  • Low degree of contamination
  • Minimum cleaning effort


Contact Engineering.
Dr. Lukas Karst
Dr. Lukas Karst
Project Engineering

Phone: +49 6122 / 70 75 - 0